Clinical Trial

Is osteoarthritis of the knee causing you pain?

What is osteoarthritis Study?

This study will look at investigational study therapy works at addressing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Investigational means the study therapy has not been approved by any regulatory agency. Some participants will receive placebo, which has no active ingredient. 

The study therapy is a type pf gene therapy, in which healthy cells that form the cartlidge, called chondrocytes, are injected into the knee. These cells are designed to reduce knee pain and improve the function knee. 

Qualified Patients Should:

  • Are 40 years of age or older. 
  • Have OA symptoms of a certain severity  
  • Available for 24 month study period ( divided in into 3 periods.


  • Diagnostic appointment
  • Study-related physical exam & procedures at no cost
  • Compensation up to $1035.00 for time & travel

What to expect

Study participation provides a chance to recieve new or previously unavailable procedures, at no cost. 

Throughout the study you will be closely evaluated to ensure that the treatment received meet the highest scientific and medical standards. 

3A’s researchers and staff have been carefully selected for their certifications and ability to preform study related procedures and exceptional patient care. 

Participating in a clinical study is always voluntary (your choice). You can stop taking part in the study at any time without consequences to your usual medical care. 

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for a
3A Study!

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